So today gue posting soal tattoo meaning di blog lama di worpress. It was 17.50 i remember. Nyolong waktu sebelum pulang because i feel need to post it.
Posting sukses. Seperti biasa setelah posting i always open it to see if i could edit one or two words.
And you know what, i couldnt access it! They said my blog has been suspended.
Dafuq. Gue ga ngerasa posting aneh-aneh. Apa lagi posting gambar jorok. Adalah foto gue di beberapa posts. Yakali itu dikategorikan offended? My own pics? Offended?
Anyway gue berusaha hapus post terakhir gue. In case itulah penyebab blog gue disuspend. Berkali2 nyoba, ga bisa.
Akhirnya gue export content blog. Gue buat blog baru, dengan terlebih dulu bikin email baru. Karena email gue yang biasa dah kepenuhan dipake buat register ini itu.
Jadi. Enibodihome wordpress. Huruf y gue ganti pake i.
Dengan semangat gue import content blog yang lama. (Dengan tidak menyertakan post terakhir). Voila! Blog baru kena suspend juga.
Kepala gue langsung sakit. Sediiiiihhhhhhhh
Itu blog pindahan dari perempuan indonesia. Gue ngeblognya juga disayang2 banget.
Akhirnya desperate, gue coba sign.up blogspot aka blogger. Dan oh ternyata gue udah punya akun di blog ini. Dengam header gambar muka gue segede gaban, yang mana 80%nya idung semua. (What was i thinking to post that pic as blog header??)
Anyway, setelah edit sana sini. Pake header yg sama kaya di wordpress, supaya berasa homey, i decide to use this blog.
And look at this blog. Post terakhir tahun 2008, baru nikah dan msh cemburu ama mantannya suami! How cute!
Am completely a different person now.
I wish i could import my old posts to here.
Oh well, screw you lah wordpress. I feel betrayed.
Enybodyhome wordpress, i hope i could move on from you the way i move on from Khutrayudi di blog indosiar dulu :)
*now how to edit this "myheartwantstosay" thing? Kok bisa2nya gue nulis klimat pnjang ini buat blog??